Quando a autópsia foi feita foi encontrada uma dose excessiva de sedativos em seu corpo, que ele havia tomado juntamente com bebida alcoólica, o que causou a inconsciência instantânea e morte prematura aos 36 anos de idade.
SÉRIE DA TV - O REBELDE / TRECHO E ABERTURA from schmidt_tvalenha on Vimeo.
Nick Adams como Johnny Yuma
Primeira Temporada
01 - Johnny Yuma
02 - Judgement
03 - Yellow Hair
04 - Vicious Circle
05 - Panic
06 - The Scavengers
07 - School Days
08 - Dark Secret
09 - Misfits
10 - In Memoriam
11 - The Vagrants
12 - Gun City
13 - The Death of Gray
14 - Angry Town
15 - Gold Seeker
16 - Glory
17 - The Unwanted
18 - The Crime
19 - Noblesse Oblige
20 - Land
21 - He´s Only a Boy
22 - Take Dead Aim
23 - The Rattler
24 - You Steal my Eyes
25 - Fair Game
26 - Unsurrendered Sword
27 - Captive of Tremblor
28 - Blind Marriage
29 - Absolution
30 - A Grave for Johnny Yuma
31 - In Memory of a Son
32 - Paint a House with Searlet
33 - Grant of Land
34 - Night on a Rainbow
35 - Lady of Quality
36 - Earl of Durango
37 - Johnny Yuma at Appomattox
38 - The Bequest
39 - The Champ
40 - The Waiting
41 - To See the Elephant
42 - Deathwatch
43 - Run, Killer, Run
44 - The Hunted
45 - The Legacy
46 - Don Gringo
47 - Explosion
48 - Vindication
49 - The Scalp Hunter
50 - Berserk
51 - The Hope Chest
52 - The Liberators
53 - The Guard
54 - The Promise
55 - Jerkwater
56 - Paperback Hero
57 - The Actress
58 - The Threat
59 - The road to Jericho
60 - The Last Drink
61 - Burying of Sammy Hart
62 - The Pit
63 - Shriek of Silence
64 - Twoo Weeks
65 - Miz Purdy
66 - Ballad of Danny Brown
67 - The Proxy
68 - Decision at Sweetwater
69 - Helping Hand
70 - The Uncourageous
71 - Mission Varina
72 - The Calley Kid
73 - Ben White
74 - The Found
75 - The Hostage
76 - The Executioner